Loco for Locomotives!


Manufacturers are a part of what keep the train hobby on track (pun completely intended). Makers that continuously adapt to current technology make all the difference. Take whistles, for example. Trains have evolved from no whistle at all to a whistle mechanism triggered by the train crossing over a piece in the track. Then they evolved to a whistle mechanism in the engine triggered by a push of the button on the transformer that sent a signal down the track. The changes have brought us to where we are today. Just take a look at Bachmann's DCC & Sound engines controlled by a handheld remote!

Bachmann has been a Train Show staple for years. I hear many times how individuals started in trains by winning a door prize at our train show. Some have even entered our show over the years.

Bachmann's representative, Rich Janyszek, will be displaying new and hot selling Bachmann items at the 75th Train Show in October! He will also be teaching a clinic on the "New Products from Bachmann".

Check out some hot selling items and must haves below!


G Percy The Engine w/ Moving Eyes

G Bachmann Winston Inspection Car

G James The Red Engine w/ Moving Eyes

HO PCC Streetcar Pittsburgh DCC/Sound

HO Charger ALC-42 Amtrak Phase VI #300

HO Echo Valley Express w/DCC Sound


O Kansas City Legacy ES44AC #4674

O Milwaukee LionChief Plus 2.0 Mikado

O PRR LionChief Plus 2.0 Mikado #9631

O LionChief Plus 2.0 CB&Q Mikado #4978